Your PCC 

Ex-Officio Members
Vicar: The Rev’d Simon Dommett
Assistant Curate: The Rev’d Joss Sanders 
Colin Last
Nesta Gedrych 

Licensed Readers:
Michael Furlong
Cathy Sanderson
Susan Lane 

Deanery Synod Representatives:
Susan Lane

Elected Members

DJ Wilkinson (elected in 2024 for three years)
Sarah Collinson (elected in 2024 for three years) (Secretary)
Sue Lennon (elected 2024 for three years ) PSO
Debbie Richardson (elected in 2022 for three years)
Geoff Abbott (elected in 2022 for three years) Treasurer
Alan Bates  (elected in 2022 for three years)
Susan Lane (elected in 2022 for three years)

PCC Policies

Safer use of Images and Streaming
Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
Environmental Policy
Lone working
Anti-Bullying and Harassment
Data Privacy Notice

To be reviewed annually after each APCM

St Mary Goldington